Latest Axl Rose News -Why Axl Rose promises that he won’t continue his 30-year stage tradition of throwing microphones?

As a result of a recent incident in Australia, Axl Rose promised to stop throwing the microphone into the crowd, which had allegedly injured a fan.

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latest Axl Rose news

latest Axl Rose news

With his 60th birthday this year, The Guns N’ Roses frontman routinely ends their concerts by passing his mic around in the front row.

Media reports allege that Rebecca Howe, during a show at Adelaide Oval, was struck in the face by an object.

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latest Axl Rose news

Axl Rose said on Twitter: If true, obviously we don’t want anyone getting hurt … at any of our shows anywhere (sic). Having tossed the mic at the end of our shows for over 30 years we always felt it was a known part of the very end of our performance that fans wanted and were aware of to have an opportunity to catch the mic.

regardless of the welfare of the fans from this point onward, we will abstain from throwing the mic, or any other objects for that matter, to the crowd during or after our performances.

Several reports of the incident had been framed in a negative and irresponsible light, he said, which is far from the truth. ..Read more

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